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广达医材成立于 1976 年,公司总占地面积 58 万平方英尺,其中有 36 万 平方英尺的生产区域(包括 3.3 万英尺的 10 万级无菌净化车间)。广达医材 具有卓越的生产环境。广达医材从事医用材料、敷料的供应已有 30 多年的 历史。有 200 多个产品品种,包括但不局限于以下产品:无纺布系列产品,无 纺布急救系列产品,手术衣,隔离衣,罩巾,手术包,仪器罩,带×线手术巾, 可重复使用的手术巾,洞巾,腹部垫,纱布片,无纺布拆片,擦巾,纱布棉球, 棉卷,婴儿毯,医用床垫和防滑袜等。 公司所有产品出口美国、加拿大、欧洲、日本以及其它国家和地区。公司 现有 800 个员工,具有生产工艺、研究和开发以及管理方面的专业团队。公 司配备先进的机器,且具有强大的产品开发能力。公司每年开发的新产品有 10 多种,这些新产品产值率达 30%以上。公司拥有进出口权。公司拥有各类 医用材料、敷料生产加工设备 300 多台。例如,公司拥有德国 TIROMAT 吸塑 包装机,及从棉纱和原材料进厂质量控制到最终成品进入医院的高度一体 化生产系统。公司配有伽玛,蒸汽及环氧乙烷灭菌。另外,公司运用先进的 质量检验方法,拥有行业最大的质量控制和检测中心。广达医材致力于高品 质产品。公司多次被授予优质产品称号。早在 1986 年,广达产品就通过了 中国商检局检验。公司荣获"中国产医用产品质量第一名",通过了 IS09000 国际质量管理体系认证、欧盟 CE 认证和美国 FDA510 (k)的认证,并且通过 2930 了加拿大 CMDCAS 认证和 ISO014001 国际环境管理体系认证。质量、诚信和 服务是公司的根本。 对品牌负责,使客户满意是公司的使命。 Company Profile GD Medical was established in August 1976.The company covers a total area of 580,000 square foot with a 360,000 square foot manufacturing facility including the 33,000 square foot class-100,000 clean room.GD Medical is endowed with an excellent manufacturing environment. GD Medical has been in medical supplies business for over 30 years. The products lines are consisted of more than 200 items which include but not limited to non-woven products,non-woven EMS products,surgical apparel,isolation gowns,drapes,surgical kits,instrument covers, radiopaque surgical towels,reusable towels,towels withfenestration,lap sponges,gauze pads, non-woven pads,cleaning towels,gauze balls,rolls,baby blankets, underpads, anti-skip socks,etc.All our products are exported to USA,Canada,Europe,Japan and other countries or regions.The company has 800 employees and is endowed with a team of professionals in manufacturing techniques,R&D and management.The company is equipped with the state-of-art machinery to have a strong product development capability. The average product development turn over is 10 new items each year.These new items account for 30% of the total revenue.The company has its own import and export license.The company has more than 300 sets of equipment and machines for the manufacturing of medical products. For instance, the form fill-seal Tiromat machine from Germany is for the packaging of the products.The companyhas a highly integrated production system starting from the quality control of yarns and raw materials to the sales of finished products into the hospitals.The company is also equipped with Gamma,Steam an ETO sterilization facilities.In addition,the company uses the advanced quality testing methods and owns the largest quality control an testing center in the industry. GD Medical is committed to high quality.GD Medical has been awarded numerous times for high quality.As early as 1986,GD Medical products have passed the inspection by China Commodity Inspection Agency.GD Medical products were also awarded “the best quality medical products made in china”,the company is certified with ISO9000 certification, CE and FDA 510(k),as well as CMDCAS from Canada and ISO14001. Quality,Integrity and Service are the fundamentals of the company. Responsibility for the brand and satisfaction of the customers are the commitments of the company.


