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时间:2021-10-9 10:34:24点击:

山东星之诚生物科技有限公司是一家中外合资的高新技术企业,厂区坐 落于济南高新技术产业开发区,集研发、生产、营销、服务为一体,主要 致力于医用生物高分子敷料的自主研发、制备及产业化,同时与美国、日 本、韩国等科研机构的专家保持密切的高新技术交流合作,企业提倡科技 为本的绿色生活新理念,旨在为人类提供尽善尽美的天然生物医疗产品。 持续改进,追求卓越,企业严格按照《医疗器械监督管理条例》建设标准 化的净化车间、国际一流的生物实验室,并严格按照《医疗器械生产质量 管理规范》、ISO13485ISO9001 的要求建立了完善的质量管理体系。 以完善的质量管理体系为基石,以先进的工艺技术及可靠的设备、材料为 根本,企业为社会提供了安全、有效的高品质医疗器械产品。依靠科技, 加快创新,企业不断攻坚克难、自我突破,取得了一系列的专利产品和研 43究成果,同时积极借鉴世界先进的生物科学技术,现已步入高速发展的新 阶段。 Shandong Xingzhicheng Biological Technology Co.,Ltd is a high-tech Sino-foreign joint venture. Its factory is located in the innovation zone of Jinan. The enterprise combines research and development, production, marketing, as well as services, and mainly works on the independent research and development, production, as well as industrialization of medical dressings of biomacromolecules. In the field of new and high technologies, the enterprise keeps a close contact and cooperation with the experts from research institutions of the USA, Japan, Korea, and other countries. The enterprise advocates a new concept of green living based on technologies, and devotes itself to providing perfect natural biomedical products for humans. The enterprise improves itself continuously and pursues excellence. It has built standardized purification shops and world-class biology laboratories in strict accordance with Regulations on the Supervision and Management of Medical Equipment, and has established its impeccable quality management system in strict accordance with Regulations on the Quality Management of Medical Equipment, requirements of ISO13485, and requirements of ISO9001. By taking its impeccable quality management system as a foundation and basing itself on advanced techniques, dependable equipment, and reliable materials, the enterprise provides safe and effective medical equipment of superior quality for the society. By depending on technologies and accelerating innovations, the enterprise has been overcoming


