致力于成为全国领先的呼吸制剂研发、生产及营销一体化企业,为全国 市场提供高品质产品和服务,关注相关疾病治疗水平与可及性提高。2007 年,公司在江苏成立。旗下在研产品线涵盖了呼吸系统全系列产品:涉及 哮喘、慢性阻塞性肺病、过敏性鼻炎等多个临床需求大的治疗领域。 公司 拥有定量吸入气雾剂(MDI)、干粉吸入剂(DPI)、雾化吸入剂(Nebulizer)、 鼻喷雾剂(Nasal Spray)四大吸入制剂的研发生产平台,目标是成为该领 域药物研发和生产的领军企业。 CF PharmTech was founded in 2007, it is a fully independent, dynamic, integrated, specialty pharmaceutical company focused on the development and manufacturing of products for the treatments of asthma, COPD and allergic rhinitis for the global market. Its mission is to develop high-quality and affordable medicine to help patients achieve effective management care for their respiratory diseases.